Will succulent leaves grow back? propagating succulent leaves

Your succulent leaves have fallen? Before throwing it into the trash bin read this. (will succulent leaves grow back)

It’s quite shocking for new gardeners that their succulent leaves have fallen. It’s a general rule for any tree. When the importance of leaves is finished the plant doesn’t want to keep the leaf without any reason. The plants suck every nutrition out of the leaf that is needed for the plant to grow and spread their offshoots. The same rule applies to succulents too.

If your succulent leaves have fallen or unfortunately you broke the leaf you can grow a new succulent plant from it. Avoid leaves that are infected by pests unhealthy and rotten. How to do it here is the whole propagation process.

Will succulent leaves grow back?
propagating succulent from leaves

Here you’ll learn

  • Which leaf you can propagate
  • Propagation process
  • Will another leaf grow from the fallen part

So let’s jump into the topic.

Which leaf you can propagate

As I said earlier a healthy leaf equals a healthy sapling. If your tree is infected by bugs especially mealy bugs or rotten leaves try to avoid them.

Sometimes they can propagate healthy saplings too but this is not a good option for passionately growing a plant. If you want to experiment with it because anyway it will be thrown in the trash bin. You are good to go.

Don’t cut half of the leaf or at the end of the leaf. You have to cut the leaf from the stem.

(will succulent leaves grow back)

Propagation process

  • Wrap the leaf with tissue for 2 days to dry extra moisture. It helps to prevent rot when you plant it.
  • Now plant the callous end of the leaf in the soil that drains well and is specially made for succulents. Bury it about 1-2 inches in the soil.
  • Water regularly (don’t overwater) and keep the soil light and moist. You will see new plants grow at the base of the leaf. The process may take 3-4 weeks or even more. Keep patients.
  • When you think the plant is large enough to take it to its home. Transplant into its own pot.

Will another leaf grow from the fallen part?

No there won’t regrow a leaf from the exact part of the leaf that has fallen. Succulent leaves always come out from the top.

But there is a high chance there will grow a new offshoot and instead of looking bald, your succulent will look even prettier. Almost all of the succulent species can do that. So wait a little longer.

If you want to know more about care and maintenance stuff and which succulent you need. Check out my other blogs.

How to grow succulents outdoor

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