Can succulents grow in water? how to grow succulents in water?

A fancy-looking jar of succulents planted in water on your desk will surely increase your mental health and the calmness of your house or office. The question is can succulents grow in water? How can I do this?

two succulents growing in water

Succulents can survive in water. Succulents are sensitive to water as they get rotten in too much water. But we still can grow succulents in water by following some guidelines. And it is getting trendy nowadays.

You will know about the process of planting succulents in water.

  • How to grow succulents in water
    • Choosing the right type of succulent
    • Cutting
    • Jar choosing
    • Preparing water
    • Planting
    • Where to put
  • How to care for them
  • What we shouldn’t do

How to grow succulents in water

Choosing the right type of succulent-

Succulents from Echeveria, Sempervivum, and Jade plant families are famously used in planting in water. Don’t forget about which zone you live in or the surrounding temperature around you. Temperature will give you the best suggestion of choosing the right species for you.


after choosing the plant. It’s time for cutting. Cut a leaf of the succulent and then warp it with tissue paper so that extra moisture gets dry out. We prefer offshoot or sapling more than leaf cutting to get less trouble as it’s your first time.

Jar choosing-

Don’t think about the jar. It can be a water mug or any type of pot according to your test and how big your succulent can grow.

Preparing water-

Most people ignore the fact that water is important as it’s the main source of nourishment for the plant. Resulting in unhealthy and vague leaves. So preferred water is rainwater, which has the exact pH level your succulent needs. Then add 2-5 milligrams of hydrogen peroxide in water to keep safe roots from any kind of virus. If can’t collect rainwater, use distilled or purified water. You can add fertilizer too if you want.


Pour water into your jar. Add some pebbles or decorative stones. It gives a nice look and keeps the water clean (optional). Now plant your cutting or leaf. Be sure the stem doesn’t touch the water. If it gets touched, it may cause rotting to the root. So keep it about a centimeter above water. It may take time. But you will see the root within a few days. Now close the jar with something so that air doesn’t get in touch with water. Open the container after 7 days so that the water can get some fresh oxygen. Do it consistently.

Where to put-

Keep the container in light. Not under direct sunlight. Create artificial shade if there is no shade. To keep the fresh color and healthy skin move it to sunlight for 1-2 hours once a week. To know more

How to care for them

As they’re not planted in the soil their maintenance varies.

You must keep observing the roots so that you know if the roots started rotting or not before it’s too late. Succulent planted in soil has less long and not many branches of the root. But we can see the opposite scene here. Succulents planted in water have much longer and branched roots. Don’t let the whole root dive into the water. Half is enough. One to two hours once a week under the sunlight won’t be enough for your succulent in winter. Keep it more in sunlight than usual. Keep it in a dry place on rainy days

Changing water frequently is not necessary. Once a month is enough to prevent the growth of algae and bacteria. Do it carefully and don’t harm the plant. If you see any kind of issue of rotting, change the water, let the roots dry, and trim the rotting part. If you see any color changes take it to sunlight and see the result. If it gets recovered, then it’s not a big deal. If it doesn’t you have to start the preparation to plant it in soil.

As they are used to water you can get in trouble in the time of planting in soil. So be careful about this and plant into the soil that drains well. To know more about soil preparation.

What we shouldn’t do

Don’t change the water frequently. Don’t shake the container too much. Make sure the roots of the succulent don’t get any sunlight. It goes against the natural rule of succulents. If you do the root will get unhealthier. So be careful about this.

If you need to move outside for a while, warp the container with something so that it doesn’t get sunlight. Keep the plant safe from pests and mealybugs. 

Don’t ever try to spray water on the leaf as they’re already getting enough water. Don’t keep it in too much dark and don’t touch it with your dirty hands. Hope you find it informative. To know more about succulents.

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