7 things to know before buying succulents for beginners

7 things to know before buying succulents for beginners

Before buying my succulents I found no one to ask a lot of questions. Resulting in unsuitable succulents for me. (things to know before buying succulents)

If you don’t want the same thing repeat it to you. You must know some basic guidelines before buying them. Succulent found in lots of varieties which makes us confused about what to choose.

Although the base things are common for all succulents. They can’t tolerate anything extra it can be sunlight, water, fertilizer, etc. They love to grow in bright light and well-drainage conditions.

Besides these things, a variety of succulents need different care. Some love indoors some are outdoors some can tolerate more cold some can survive in a bit darker and shady area. Some need more water (not much) other needs less care and less water. You can grow succulents indoors which love to live outside. But it can’t give you the best result.

So which succulent to choose as a beginner? Seems a bit of confusion right? There we are. You will get all of the information you need to buy your succulent for the first time. (things to know before buying succulents)

Here you will learn

Best succulents for you

  1. According to your area
  2. According to place, you are keeping it
  3. According to care and maintenance
  4. According to light
  5. Ensure about condition
  6. Succulent related scams
  7. Where to buy

According to your area/plant hardiness

[Keep ready your pen and pencil or note in another tab]

If you live in a colder zone (4-6). They are the best species for you.  Sedum album Sempervivum, arachnoideum, Rhodiola rosea, Sedum kamtschaticum, Lewisia cotyledon, Orostachys iwarenge (Chinese Dunce Cap), Sempervivum tectorum, Delosperma nubigenum, Sedum spurium (dragon’s blood stonecrop).

These species are especially known for their cold-tolerating ability.

If your zone is 7-9, these species you can choose. -Sedum ternatum, Agave parryi, Prickly Pear Cactus, Yucca filamentosa, Hens and Chicks, Agave Montana, Sedum spectabile, Ice Plant, and Autumn Joy are considered as best species for mid zones.

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, Aloe vera, African Milk Tree, Echeveria spp, Agave Americana, and Sedum spp are considered perfect for zones 10 and 11.

Echeveria, Agave attenuate, and Living Stone are preferable for zone 13. They are best for tolerating heat. You may think I’m suggesting too many names. But trust me you will have your succulent end of the article. Know more about the zone and temperature.

According to place, you are keeping it

You have found the best species for you. You may have selected 4-5 species. It’s time to cut the number or you can buy all of them and place them indoors and outdoors.

Perfect for indoors

  1. Aloe Vera
  2. African milk tree
  3. Agave Americana
  4. Sedum spp
  5. Echeveria spp
  6. Agave Attenuate
  7. Sempervivum Arachoideum
  8. Kalanchoe Blossfeldina
  9. Living Stone

Perfect for outdoors

  1. Agave parryi
  2. Prickly pear Cactus
  3. Sedum Ternatum
  4. Hens and Chicks
  5. Yucca filamentosa
  6. Autumn Joy
  7. Ice plant
  8. Agave Montana
  9. Sedum spectabile
  10. Sedum album
  11. Delosperma nubigenum
  12. Dragon’s Blood Stonecrop
  13. Rhodiola Rosea
  14. Sedum kamschaticum
  15. Lewisia Cotyledon
  16. Orostachys iwarenge
  17. Sempervivum tectorum

Remember outdoors succulent species can be planted indoors too.

According to care and maintenance

Seems you found your succulents and minimized their name. if you didn’t write. I suggest you do because you may forget something important later.

You are a busy person and don’t have enough time to give succulents. You should take succulents that need less attention and care. Naturally, they need less care and attention.

If you are passionate about plants and you can give enough attention to your succulents. You can go for the succulents that need high maintenance and care.  You can also buy less attention succulents. If you care for them well. I assure you you won’t be disappointed. (things to know before buying succulents)

Low Care and Maintenance:

  1. Sedum ternatum
  2. Agave parryi
  3. Prickly Pear Cactus (Opuntia spp)
  4. Yucca filamentosa
  5. Hens and Chicks (Sempervivum spp)
  6. Agave Montana
  7. Sedum spectabile
  8. Ice Plant (Delosperma spp)
  9. Autumn Joy (Sedum spectabile)
  10. Sedum album
  11. Rhodiola rosea
  12. Sedum kamtschaticum
  13. Lewisia cotyledon
  14. Orostachys iwarenge (Chinese Dunce Cap)
  15. Sempervivum tectorum
  16. Delosperma nubigenum
  17. Sedum spurium (dragon’s blood stonecrop)
  18. Echeveria spp
  19. Sedum spp
  20. Sempervivum arachnoideum

High Care and Maintenance:

  1. Kalanchoe blossfeldiana
  2. Aloe vera
  3. African Milk Tree (Euphorbia trigona)
  4. Agave Americana
  5. Agave attenuata
  6. Living Stone (Lithops spp)

However high attention doesn’t mean you have to give a lot of attention otherwise they will die. It just shows which species have to give more attention than less cared succulents. Succulents can usually tolerate drought and less care as they are native to deserts and arid areas.

According to light

Succulents that need MORE light:

  1. Sempervivum arachnoideum
  2. Sedum kamtschaticum
  3. Sedum album
  4. Delosperma nubigenum
  5. Orostachys iwarenge (Chinese Dunce Cap)
  6. Sempervivum tectorum
  7. Lewisia cotyledon
  8. Sedum spurium (dragon’s blood stonecrop)
  9. Sedum spectabile
  10. Ice Plant
  11. Autumn Joy
  12. Rhodiola rosea
  13. Kalanchoe blossfeldiana
  14. Echeveria spp
  15. Agave Americana
  16. Living Stone
  17. Echeveria
  18. Agave attenuate

Succulents that need LESS light:

  1. Sedum ternatum
  2. Agave parryi
  3. Hens and Chicks
  4. Prickly Pear Cactus
  5. African Milk Tree
  6. Yucca filamentosa
  7. Agave Montana
  8. Aloe vera

Ensure about condition

This is an easy thing to understand. Don’t buy any succulents that have bugs like mealybugs even if it is a single foliage.

Individual parts or leaves that have been cut, and started rotting in individual parts or roots avoid them and buy a healthy good, and colorful-looking succulent.

Succulent related scams

 Many succulent lovers out there got scammed first after seeing colorful succulent species. When they realized it was too late.

Here we will talk about common scams about succulents. It will make it easy for you to understand which is real and which is fake.

  1.  You will see lots of stunning-colored succulents out there in online stores. Succulent can be found naturally in amazing colors. But to gain profit succulent sellers often sell artificial colored succulents. It may look gorgeous. But the plant won’t make it well with painting. Besides a few days later the color will vanish.
  2.  Who doesn’t love a cactus that blooms gorgeous flowers? But sometimes sellers just to increase their sales sell cacti with artificial flowers glued on them.
  3. Sometimes they sell seeds that don’t really exist.

Where to buy

You found the right species for you and know everything that you need to know before buying. Another thing to know is the succulent you chose where its natural habitat so that you get a crystal clear idea about which things they are good at and which things they are not. (things to know before buying succulents)

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