Where/What is the best place for succulents?

Where/What is the best place for succulents?

Buying succulents as a beginner throws us in a lot of confusion that where should I plant my Succulent. Is it indoors or outside in the garden with other plants? Or where should we keep indoors? Is it over a bookshelf, beside the window, or on my desk?  If we want to plant it outside? What is the best place for succulents? Is it a garden rooftop or balcony?

We won’t talk about how to care for indoors or outdoors. If you want to know about care and maintenance for succulents indoors or outdoors.

Let’s throw away the confusion and explore deeply. 

  • What is the best place for succulents

What is the best place for succulents

Succulents can survive indoors, outdoors, and almost everywhere. But they have separate rules and regulations to follow. Different species need different care according to your planting place. Even you can grow succulents in water if you know how to.

Here is where succulents’ natural habitat


First, decide which place you want to keep your succulent. And see the light condition there. Almost all of the species need brighter light. If your pace doesn’t have much light you should not keep your succulents there. But it is your office or desk of your house where you want to create a charming environment. You have to set artificial light to keep them healthy and colorful.

If you choose a mid-shade and medium-light. All succulent professionals say that is nearly a great place to survive. Because succulents can’t get anything extra like water fertilizer as well as light. So beginners don’t know the best care and rules for how much sunlight they need as they don’t have previous experience. They can burn the plant for overheat of sunlight that’s why medium light is preferred for beginners.

And then if you are planning to keep it beside the window. There you go. You choose the right place for them. Arrange a curtain or make something to create shade that works as a filter for sunlight and keep it under direct sunlight for 1-2 hours a day. But first start with 30-40 minutes then keep increasing. If you can’t keep it under direct sunlight every day, try to do it once a week at least. Bright but indirect sunlight works for succulents best. place them near a south or east-facing window to get the best output.

Haworthias and gasterias are two succulent species that can tolerate low light well. But they will grow slowly.


Now it’s time to learn about the outdoors. If you are planning to plant outside in your garden try to keep surroundings with low moisture plants such as Stone crop, Russian sage, Marigold, Lavender, Coneflower, Cacti, Salvia, etc. so that the roots of your succulent don’t get wet.

Keep it in the shade for the first few days. Then slowly introduce it to sunlight. Sudden light can cause burns. 4-5 hours a day is the normal range for outdoor succulents. Try to keep a big tree near it to create shade. If you want to know more about outdoor light soil condition and outdoor care.

You don’t have a garden but you still want to keep it outside in the tub. Choose a tub carefully which has a good drainage system. Terracotta are suggestive as they have the natural water-absorbing ability.

Now if you want to keep it on the balcony or garden care are same. Just protect them from overwatering and overheating.

There you go with your place planning. If you are interested in knowing about soil-making, watering, fertilizing, and care and maintenance.

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